
Friday, January 20, 2012


I wanted to take a minute to show off and express my gratitude for the gifts that students gave to our classroom this year!  I personally received some lovely gifts, which I really appreciate.   This year, I also asked for some "wish list" items for the room. 

As you can see, we received a variety of games for inside recess, some legos, and some markers and glue.  The kids loved opening the gifts together and were excited to play our new games.  Thank you so very much!

Love, Mrs. Lopez

Counting 1,000

 It’s Math time! Why do we have pull tabs and toothpicks in Math?

    We collected pull tabs to try to get 1000. We collected so many we had to group them to make it easier to count. We worked in 4 table groups. At each table we put the pull tabs into groups of 10 to get a total for the table. Then we added the 4 table totals to get a whole class total. All together our class collected 2,200 pull tabs.

  For the toothpicks we had extras from a Thanksgiving turkey project. There were so many we decided to group them too. We made groups of 10 and put them in bags to make groups of 100. Then we counted the 100’s bags to get 1,250 total toothpicks.

   We discovered it was faster and easier to count large amounts by putting them in groups of 10 and 100.  You could try it with large amounts of paper clips or coins. Let us know how many you get. 

Written by Holly and Billy